Commodity Technology Advisory LLC (ComTech Advisory), the leading analyst firm covering energy and commodity trading and risk management (E/CTRM) and related technologies, has released its Trends in Commodity Risk Management Technologies research report as a free download from its and websites. “The risk management research that we conducted turned out to be very timely as the industry experiences a multitude of risks accentuated by the Russia-Ukraine war. What tools and software are the industry seeking to manage the various forms of risk and how well do risk managers feel they can do?” said Dr. Gary. M. Vasey, Managing Partner. “Our new research report goes some way in answering these and other questions and shows that the industry thinks that it can still do better in terms of managing risk and certainly in the software tools that it deploys to aid risk managers.” The research, sponsored by Amphora, Commodities People and Nasdaq Risk Platform, comprised a survey, interviews with risk managers and significant background research. The final report provides an intriguing snapshot of the state of play in commodities risk management and technologies. According to Patrick Reames, Managing Partner of Commodity Technology Advisory, “Perhaps not surprisingly, the report demonstrates… continue reading
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