Using CTRMCenter

CTRMCenter – this website – is actually quite a powerful and information packed website. It may have a number of features and content that some readers are unaware of and so the purpose of this article is to highlight some of these features.   The front page of the site consists of a number of different summaries; Blog – written by ComTech analysts and occasionally by invited third-parties, the blog represents our opinions, analysis, and findings on topics in and around CTRM. These can range from summaries of briefing calls with vendors and other companies in the market through to analysis as we see it of various trends and issues. News – ComTech analysts actively select news stories from around the web that we believe may have relevance and be of interest to visitors. These may include press announcements and/or stories from other media. Interview Corner – From time-to-time, we may conduct a formal interview with someone in the industry. These interviews are posted here. Reports – The latest research from ComTech analysts – all free to download with just a short registration. When you register, you will be informed of privacy policy etc. and asked if you would like to receive the… continue reading
Continue reading Using CTRMCenter. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.