Recently, I wrote a critical blog about the sudden plethora of CTRM software awards. Apparently, this hit a chord with many colleagues and we got quite a lot of feedback. So much so in fact, that we thought we would try a snap poll around the issue and perhaps a white paper or something after we get some usable results. So, we want YOUR opinion please! What do you think about all of these new awards that suddenly started being announced? Please answer our mini survey here It will take you around 1 to 2 minutes to complete and you will be asked who you are so we can verify your response – though we will not use this information. We are looking for opinions from End Users and consulting firms and NOT VENDORS. Many thanks and let’s see what you make of Tope 10 vendor awards….. Or access the survey below,
Continue reading What Do You Think to all of these CTRM Top 10 Awards?. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.