Patrick and I started in the CTRM world early. A long time ago now. We were both at a vendor by the name of TransEnergy Management based in the Houston office. The company was eventually acquired by Altra and while Patrick made the transition to Altra, I did not founding my own business instead. Those were heady days indeed! FERC 636 had revolutionized natural gas markets in the US and shortly thereafter, electric power followed in terms of deregulation. Now, of course, liquid hydrocarbon trading had been going on a while already but it was the opening of natural gas end electric power wholesale markets that truly got the ETRM and later, CTRM software sector started. Back then, the vendor landscape was different but in some ways similar. There were quite a few vendors offering platforms for natural gas, risk management and so on including TransEnergy and Altra and they included, for example, Allegro, Triple Point as well as Aquila RiskWorks, Michael Smith & Associates(now Ensyte), Tenneco/EnergyTRACS, Primo, ESI and DC systems. Most of these vendors were still fairly small and more or less led by a single visionary and entrepreneur. The story of what happened to all of these
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