Tag: UK

Is Coal Now on Life Support?

I noticed that yesterday, a number of US-based news outlets picked up on some European news around Coal. A couple of weeks ago, and without much fanfare, at least here in Europe, Eurelectric’s 3500 members agreed to not invest in new coal plants after 2020 (Polish and Greek...
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Coal – A Lifetime Theme

I was reading a couple of Reuters articles this morning with interest about Coal and Trump’s rolling back of regulations and threats to walk away from the Paris Accord. It’s all very interesting and shows how complex the world actually is compared to Trump’s perhaps rather niave view...
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There Is A Bot For That

The rise of renewables and development of the smart grid is having an impact on European power trading. Intra-day power trading is on the rise in countries like Germany and the UK where signals can occur very quickly indeed and the volume and speed of information available to...
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New Business Models and Consumer Focused Digital Transformations

ComTech visits with Amir Soufizadeh, Head of Commodities & Utilities Practice at BJSS. Founded in 1993, BJSS operates across the UK and USA, providing consultancy and services for the delivery of enterprise-scale IT solutions. The company’s clients include some of the world’s largest organisations including investment and retail...
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Introducing David Calmonson

From time to time, Comtech welcomes other writers to the blog at CTRMCenter. Gary Craze is already an ad hoc contributor for example. We are happy to report that industry veteran David Calmonson will also be supplying a number of blog articles to the site drawing upon his...
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BREXIT – What Next?

Like many I awoke to the news this morning that Britain has vote narrowly to leave the EU. Already markets are in turmoil and commodities have been impacted by that turmoil with a rush to Gold and falling Oil prices. I have thought about doing a BREXIT blog...
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All Things Pass

All things pass so they say. When I was growing up in the UK, coal was dying. Mr. Scargill and his miners union held the country to ransom trying to save unprofitable coal pits and the miner’s jobs. My teenage years were spent like many of my era...
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CTRM Directory Makes for Interesting Reading

Towards the end of last year, ComTech made an announcement regarding the CTRMCenter Directory. We adopted the diliger platform as it had many more features and tools that we felt we could provide independently. Over the holiday period, we were hard at work building out the basic details...
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CTRM Directory Makes for Interesting Reading

Towards the end of last year, ComTech made an announcement regarding the CTRMCenter Directory. We adopted the diliger platform as it had many more features and tools that we felt we could provide independently. Over the holiday period, we were hard at work building out the basic details...
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Calling All E/CTRM Consulting Firms

ComTech is currently updating the Consultants List. This free download from CTRMCenter’s research area is essentially a list of consulting firms and system’s integrators that specialize or have a practice area in the E/CTRM space. It has been downloaded and viewed more than 500 times since its last...
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