Brady announced recently that Entelios, one of the largest suppliers of renewable energy in the Nordic business-to-business market, had gone live with Brady’s solution to support expansion of its power trading activities across the region. Entelios “is a subsidiary of Agder Energi AS (Agder), one of Norway’s largest producers of clean, renewable hydropower and has been a customer of Brady’s for nearly 20 years. Brady’s solution is already in extensive use for supporting Agders’ day ahead trading operations in Norway and Denmark,” the press announcement stated. Brady has also announced a new customer on the commodities side with Fintrade. Tangent Trading, a leading scrap metals trading firm and member of the London Metal Exchange is Brady’s newest metals customer. ‘Fintrade stood out due to its comprehensive physical metals and associated concentrates trading functionality.” Financial Director at Tangent, Andrew Nelson commented in the recent press announcement. Brady’s head of marketing, Debbi Bavin, told me last week. “We have had several new wins to date as well as significant customer extensions and renewals.” The Brady Energy Summit took place recently remotely and was a success with 98% attendance from the Brady customer base, she told me. It focused on strategy and roadmap… continue reading
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