I spoke with Jan van den Brom this morning to learn that Agiboo had been acquired by Cultura. It will, he told me, continue as a Agiboo autonomously but will be able to leverage the corporate services of Cultura – something that Jan told me he is looking forward to. “As we have grown and taken on more and larger customers for our software, I have had to focus much more attention to things like legal, accounting and less on the day-to-day business of Agiboo,” he told me. “I’m happy to now be able to go back to my first love and that is working with our software solution and customers.” Indeed, the press announcement says – “Agiboo continues to operate autonomously while leveraging the collaborative environment that exists amongst Cultura’s existing businesses, existing customers, their best practices, financial strength, and 45+ years of Agri-Food domain knowledge.” ComTech has shared in the journey that Jan and his partner at Agiboo – Joep Wijers – as we have followed it as analysts since 2009 when they started the company as both Patrick and I knew Jan from his prior consulting existence. He had a vision based on his experiences consulting and… continue reading
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