The transition in the UK power generation scene to one where there are many smaller distributed assets in the form of wind or solar farms, batteries and the like along with an emerging infrastructure to support them, has created new opportunities for software providers. Enegen Power Systems (formally Dunstan Thomas Energy division) is one firm that has seen a number of opportunities in that market. While it offers several different software solutions for the market, David Holt, CEO, is very keen to talk about ATOM, the newest of its applications. “Built on the EnergyHub adaptive framework, ATOM is a powerful software solution that addresses the challenges of trade optimization and asset scheduling across a portfolio of assets and is available as a cloud solution, on-premise or hosted by Enegen Power Systems,” he told me. In fact, ATOM offers users the ability to switch on and off many assets, aggregate them and trade their output optimally. “If Enegen’s Genstar4 is added into the mix, assets can be scheduled and dispatched in the most profitable way,” he said. ATOM uses algorithms to optimize which assets to schedule, when and into what market. “It’s not AI as I understand it,” he cautions. “But… continue reading
Continue reading Enegen Sees Potential in ATOM. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.