I am back from my trip to Prague and the ETSCEE conference. It was an interesting agenda and a good place to meet people. I found the opening presentation by Florian Ermacora of the European Commission most interesting on two levels. Firstly, in terms of what the EU is planning with respect to markets in Europe and secondly, as someone who frankly doubts that CO2 has anything to do with warming by virtue of my geological background, I was horrified by the lengths the EU is planning to go to promote this political agenda – but enough of that already. As, Mr. Ermacora put it, “the decarbonization agenda is still on….and a key driver of policy. It is a decarbonization at least cost approach.” However, he told us that the EU wants to stop member states going their own way as renewables are forecast to be fully 50% of EU generation by 2030 and national subsidies and schemes cannot be afforded. The EU wants to create a level playing field between generation sources and once subsidies are in play, it is very difficult to stop them, he told us. He also told the audience that it is the consumer and
Continue reading Interesting Two Days At ETSCEE. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.