Last week, I was in London and visited with a good many people that we know there before attending and presenting at FIS Connect at the QE2 Center. It was a good week and I had intended to write a number of blogs about it this week. Unfortunately, I brought back a new friend from London and since Sunday I have been bed-ridden with probably the worst cold or flu I have had in years. I even had a fever which is something I rarely get. Today, I am gingerly stepping out a bit – spending a few hours catching up and answering unanswered email. I also need to tidy my apartment! Hopefully, I’ll be back to full speed next week. Meanwhile, one person that I met last week was no other than Nelson Piedad. Nelson is in Pre Sales these days for FIS but back in April 1997, as he reminded me, I hired him in Houston to come and work for TransEnergy as a consultant. One of the projects I was involved in was a project at TransLisbon for our pipeline product. I recall a couple of trips to Lisbon from Houston prior to the sale and after… continue reading
Continue reading Meeting an Old Colleague…. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.