Orchestrade Powers into Energy on the back of Performance and scalability

A week or so ago, I caught up with Dale Emmerson of Orchestrade. He was keen to tell me how things were going, and how they had achieved an element of better name recognition in energy and were now extremely busy as a result. The vendor is involved in several large RFP processes in Asia, north America and Europe with top tier energy and commodity firms, he told me, pointing out that there was a legacy replacement trend that was growing rapidly in the industry. This trend was driven by increased complexities, greater need to cope with large trade volumes and decision making, and volatilities in the business such that buyers were seeking near real-time capabilities more than ever before. Orchestrade has a sponsor customer in the form of Engie and there it has gone live with a variety of new functionalities including PPAs. “We now manage the energy trading portfolio from end-to-end – including renewables and volume variability,” he said. However, he claims that it is Orchestrade’s ability to handle huge quantities of data that truly set it apart, with the ability to support hundreds of thousands of power forecasts at 15-minute or shorter increments, five to twenty years… continue reading

Continue reading Orchestrade Powers into Energy on the back of Performance and scalability. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.