An item that keeps on coming up in everything from our risk survey last year to briefings with various folk around the industry is that their is a skills shortage. People with skills and expertise are retiring and taking their knowledge with them at quite a pace. I suspect the reason for this might be a growing sense of weariness with the way the world is changing. I know that at my age, I feel this and it begins to weigh on me yet, the rate of change and understanding of where it all may be headed remain too compelling for me to hang my boots just yet. But, I can imagine that this is a factor along withe simple fact that if you count the commodities trading era as having really got going after FERC636 then those of us that were there to experience that are getting quite grey by now… On the other side, younger people do not necessarily share the same values that prior generations had. Work from home is now a thing after the lockdowns and as I have written here in the past the concept of working from no fixed abode has caught on in… continue reading
Continue reading The Skills Risk. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.