I recently spoke with the founders of a newly launched recruitment firm in the form of Commoditas Partners – Carl Vellenoweth, Manager Director and Chris Scott, Director. Commoditas Partners was recently created to ‘revolutionize’ the CTRM recruitment market and they are based in 2 locations in London, the city and London Bridge and plan to open an International office in Q2 2015. Here is the interview … GMV – What is the objective of Commoditas Partners? Why did you form the company? What was the vision? Our aim is to bridge the gaps between commodity technology recruitment and management consulting services. These days, because of the rapidly changing nature of commodities trading, no one supplier of resources or applications can provide a complete solution. Consequently, many companies find it difficult to deal with multiple suppliers. Commoditas Partners will become an integral business partner when advising, consulting and deploying an organizations bench strength required to devise and execute strategy for current and future hiring needs. We believe that using our recruitment expertise and taking the same process of placing individuals, we can do the same placing niche advisories, consultancies, vendors and system integrators, offering our clients a one stop solution to … continue reading
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