Every two years, we test your perceptions of the vendors and products in the CTRM and related software category. Unlike other surveys this one is all about YOUR views as end users and consultants and there are NO awards or dinners – just a sober report that tells you what the market thinks about ALL the vendors. The report is of course FREE when issued and will be downloadable here. With many years of history of conducting this research, we can also talk about and identify long-term trends in perceptions and buying criteria. The survey does take a few minutes to complete and we would ask that you try to complete as much of it as you feel able. We also DO need to know who you are as we need to know that you are a real person, not a vendor employee and not Mickey Mouse, so please do fill out the contact details – I’m afraid that without those details, we have to delete the response and not use it in the final analysis. In return for a few minutes of your valuable time, we will give you all the report for FREE representing days of work to… continue reading
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