Bidgely is Empowering Energy Companies to Achieve Decarbonization Progress Through Demand Response

As the energy industry advances toward decarbonization, the integration of innovative solutions becomes imperative for effectively managing the energy production mix, especially as renewable generation continues to claim a larger share. Demand-side flexibility, or demand response, refers to the capacity of energy consumers to respond to market or grid signals, adjusting their consumption accordingly. Given the volatility of renewable energy production, demand response emerges as a crucial component in shaping the future of decarbonized energy systems. Silicon Valley-based Bidgely is empowering energy businesses to design or improve demand response programs to accelerate decarbonization progress through its energy intelligence solutions. The company’s AI-powered software platform converts electricity meter data into actionable insights regarding the energy consumption patterns of households and businesses. Utilities and energy retailers can accurately identify the specific appliances in use, their usage timings, durations, and performance. This information enables more effective customer engagement on a personalized level, positioning them as demand response partners, offer them recommendations for optimizing device usage and energy cost reduction strategies. Notably, the charging behavior of electric vehicles (EVs) plays a crucial role in demand response, with the potential for significant benefits to grid reliability when charging is shifted to periods of peak solar… continue reading

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