In my ongoing roundup of discussions with vendors and other industry players, I spoke last week with Debbi Bavin, head of Marketing at Brady, to get a catch up. As usual, I was very interested in activity levels given the whole situation with COVID-19 and the lockdown. From Brady’s perspective, Debbi told me that while things had certainly slowed down back in March, they had seen quite a spike in activity and interest through April. “April was a fantastic month and despite a dip in March, this year we have seen the volume and quality of opportunities increasing and our forward opportunity pipeline is really strong, with a noticeable bias towards the physical side,” she said. This is a very consistent story that ComTech is hearing from E/CTRM vendors and headhunters alike in the space – that interest and activity levels have not declined but actually increased in several areas. As with all of the vendors, Brady has also been forced to execute its own business continuity plans with staff working from home offices. Mostly, it has been relatively straight forward, with phone systems and software being already online and in the cloud. The transition has appeared to work well,… continue reading
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