Brady Technologies is seeing a lot of interest in its credit solution that is being driven by market events that have focused attention on credit and liquidity once again. It seems that volatility – not just in commodity prices but FX and IR, is here to stay for a while longer and carefully managing cashflows and liquidity can be key to survival. As Ellen Stars, Risk Practice lead, told us recently in an interview, “Credit is a changing landscape, for the most part the mechanics are the same, but companies need a lot more liquidity and credit is becoming decisive in financing than ever before.” Brady had acquired CRisk some time ago and it is undertaking several customer migrations from the Brady Credit (BCR) platform to the CRisk platform, with one going live on the software recently. However, Ellen was quick to declare that BCR is still actively supported though no longer marketed. BCR is still intensely and successfully used by some large and important customers, she told us. There have also been structural changes at Brady on the risk side so that software development and support is now performed by Brady. In addition, Brady has recruited and added to… continue reading
Continue reading CRisk Powers Brady’s Risk Strategy. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.