Enuits’ Vision of the Future

The people at Enuit reckon they are observing some fundamental shifts in the CTRM software market. “We have been listening carefully to the market and seeing some trends in terms of changing architectures and the users wanting to open up their software solutions more and more,” Ganesh Natarajan, Enuit’s COO, told me recently. “So, Enuit is working towards this, and we working to understand and optimize workflows that allow users to get information into their solutions more easily whilst building a next generation platform in EnTrade 7 that will help solve the data management and business process optimization issues.”  Indeed, we have had several briefings from Enuit regarding its next version of EnTrade that emphasize innovation and new technology usage to aid users. “We are future proofing EnTrade 7 and investing in new technology however, I want to emphasize that the upgrade for customers will be a seamless,” Ken Han, CEO, said. Indeed, we too see a lot of trends taking place in the world of CTRM and related software that we regularly comment on in this blog and our other research and commentary. New technologies are making new ways of doing things a possibility and helping to fuel innovation… continue reading