Talking with Jan van den Brom of Agiboo is always interesting as he often has intriguing observations to impart. In recent months and years, conversations with Jan have often touched on the need for education in the industry. I don’t think I would be misquoting him in saying that he sees ComTech as a necessary and beneficial educator and advisory in the industry. He constantly encourages us to revisit topics periodically as “new people are coming into the industry all of the time who don’t necessarily know the things we assume they do.” I had made a similar observation a couple of years ago when at a conference and facilitating a discussion around spreadsheets. The room was full of young and dynamic people eager to learn and who had not been exposed to the issues around using spreadsheets. I took note of that. A few years ago, Jan started writing a massive set of website materials that Agiboo had me edit. The idea was to provide a knowledge center at its website. I’m not sure how much of that original content remains on the website today. Still, it was a treasure trove of solid, primary, and more advanced information about… continue reading
Continue reading Educating and Passing On Experience is Key Says Agiboo’s Jan van den Brom. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.