OpenDataDSL is a startup vendor in the energy and commodities data management space led by Colin Hartley. Its solution is SaaS in the Azure cloud and Colin describes it as an open platform in which the user can do a lot all by themselves – a sort of toolkit for data management that is both flexible and customizable, he told me. He also told me that it has created a new domain specific programming language (DSL) that it developed specifically for data management usage, and the solution uses the customer’s active directory for access and security. Colin gave me a short demonstration to illustrate what he told me about the solution. Various types of data can be collected and created using the solution. Market data and any public data available online can be pulled into the solution along with any internal data created within the user’s business. It also holds smart data or data created from any of those sources within the solution and this smart data can be created by applying simple or complex expressions making it very simple and easy to create any sort of derived price curve, for example. The curves are always built on demand and… continue reading