The French government has just announced their plans to make the country carbon neutral by 2050, and the initial reaction is…let’s say “skeptical”. Among the actions they intend to take, here’s a few highlights: Kill-off their domestic oil and gas industry by ending the sale of oil and gas leases in the country. That’s right, they have a domestic oil and gas industry…who knew?! Apparently, France currently produces about as much oil and gas as 4 pretty decent wells in West Texas (about 18,000 bopd and a few million cubic feet of gas per day). So this proposal should actually be pretty easy to accomplish, even if it really won’t affect carbon emissions much, if any. After they send all their oil and gas workers to the unemployment line, they’ll just end up importing a bit more petroleum and natural gas. End the sale of gasoline and diesel powered vehicles (which make-up 95.2% of the country’s current fleet) by 2040. France’s Ecology Minister Nicolas Hulot (the guy announcing all these plans) seems to not be sure how this is actually going to happen as it will take some sort of a “revolution”, but he’s sure France’s automakers will be up
Continue reading France rolls out new energy plan…. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.