Give us your Opinion?

People like to read industry research and check the opinions of their peers. Perhaps they do not enjoy so much filling out online surveys! However, unless the latter gets done the former doesn’t happen. Just before the end of 2017, we launched two different survey efforts as part of some research we are undertaking. The first is into disruptive technologies and we would very much like the opinions of end users as to where they see disruptive technologies helping them and their businesses. Please do take the survey for us – it is located here and so far, has taken people around 7 minutes to complete. The second piece of research is more localised and involves looking at the ETRM solutions here in Central and Eastern Europe – again, we have a survey and are seeking people in the region to fill it out. So far, it has taken people around 8 minutes to complete – please go here to complete this short survey. The results of both surveys will eventually be published along with other data and findings, as research reports that will be freely available from the Publications part of this website. Check some of our other research
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Give us your Opinion?. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.