Looking back at 2023 with Enuit

I recently visited with Ken Han, CEO of Enuit and Ganesh Natarajan, COO, to find out their perspective on what has been an interesting year in the CTRM marketplace. Mr. Han started the conversation by highlighting their success at building relationships with consulting firms and training their resources to become expert at providing implementation and supporting services to customers of their Entrade solution. He noted, “We are a product company and we want to focus on the product to ensure our customers have the best software we can provide. We’re not a consulting company and though we do play an active and important role by providing expert resources during the implementation of the product, we are not pursuing services as primary revenue stream. As such, we’ve partnered with many of the leading consulting companies in Europe, Asia and the Americas to ensure they have properly trained and experienced resources to meet our customers’ needs for any ongoing consulting services.  In 2023 we successfully expanded the number of consulting firms we’re working with and we, and our customers, are very happy with the results of that program.” In terms of the market for the company’s product, he noted that they’ve seen… continue reading

Continue reading Looking back at 2023 with Enuit. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.