Over the last 18 -24 months, as commodity prices have fallen, commodity traders/buyers/sellers of all types have had to grapple with rising costs and lower revenues. Recently, ComTech has been conducting research aimed at finding out what this has meant for ETRM software in particular. At this stage, we have had around 60 responses to the survey component of the research and some early trends are already apparent. Now, we haven’t validated the response yet so this is truly raw data at this stage and we still need to get your opinion in order to reach our target number of responses but, one thing that seems clear at this stage is that the current business environment is pushing buyers to the cloud. Some 60% of current respondents say that they are considering cloud or hosted ETRM solutions to reduce costs under today’s market conditions versus 23% that say they are less likely to consider these options. This matches what ComTech is seeing in the market where CTRM in the cloud really seems to be taking off. Furthermore, some 40% of respondents see market conditions dictating a complete change of the ETRM software they are currently using over the next 5-years
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