On the back of issuing our Disruptive Technologies report and recent CTRMRadio podcast on the same topic, a couple of interesting articles appeared today covering conferences in the FinTech sector. The first, an article by Platts, covering the International Swaps and Derivatives Association Technology Forum 2018 in New York, discusses various speakers talking about AI and Blockchain. The use cases discussed included using AI for price suggestion, spotting market manipulation, smart contracts and so on. Interestingly, speakers and panel members identified a couple of issues around smart contracts. “One challenge is expressing the coded portion in a way that could be read and understood by a judge, Paul Lewis, partner at law firm Linklaters, said. Another challenge associated with using smart contracts in commodity market trading could involve a situation where a trade in a smart contract is supposed to hedge something that is not in a smart contract, the panel’s moderator Scott Farrell, partner at law firm King & Wood Mallesons, said.” A second article picks up the theme of market manipulation quoting the CTFC Chairman speaking at the FinTech Week conference at Georgetown University’s Law School campus. “Commenting on the evolving global trading markets, Giancarlo noted that we should prepare ourselves… continue reading
Continue reading More Application Seen for AI and Blockchain. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.