At the moment, we are running a bit of a feedback survey on CTRMCenter (- yes, its that annoying pop up we are using). The results to date are actually very encouraging and we will probably publish them in a few weeks time when we have more respondents. In one question, we ask, “What can we do to improve the site?” A couple of people told us they would like to see more interviews and features with end user companies. So would we! The person who suggested this has actually hit on what is a huge problem for everyone in the CTRM and broader software industry – ‘official channels’. We are constantly asking CIO’s, CEO’s, Risk Managers and the like from across the industry to do an interview, comment, fill in a survey, speak at our conference and so on. It’s the holy grail isn’t it to have a leading CIO expound their views on CTRM software. The problem is that, while there is no lack of willingness of people who want to comment and participate in such things, the corporate PR veil invariably nixes any publication of such views. “I just need to run that by my PR department” … continue reading
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