The Biggest Website Omission Ever

This is undoubtedly one of those blogs I get to rewrite periodically and many will question it. Yet here we are again. I am constantly looking for new vendors emerging in CTRM and related areas as well as revisiting the websites of all the other vendors. I do this not just with the eye of an analyst in the space but also as a ex-marketing executive! Today, I was alerted to a possible new vendor in the space and just last week, I was looking at an existing vendors website. Both had a grating flaw – no contact information!!! Ok, they will argue that they have one of those contact us forms. The ones you have to fill out and submit and invariable never ever get a response from. I’m sorry. The entire point of a web presence is to set up your virtual store front in order to attract inbound inquiries. That means, you should provide a phone number, an email address, a physical address and any other type of contact information you might have – and not hidden away in the dark and gloomy recesses of your website – No. Front and Center!! Otherwise, why bother? Yes, I… continue reading

Continue reading The Biggest Website Omission Ever. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.