Consultants and System Integrators can be extremely influential in selecting CTRM software and so their views and knowledge of the vendor landscape is of particular interest. Managing, as they do, any number of RFP and RFI processes, consultants and integrators play a role in the final decision. Although, most are vendor agnostic (there are certain consultancies that openly specialize in certain vendor products and deem this to be a differentiator), bias will always be a feature in decision involving humans. The consultants and SI’s individual staff can have a natural bias towards a product or vendor simply because they know it better and have more experience (and confidence?) in that product or vendor. Knowing this, and in order to expand their reach in terms of marketing and implementation capabilities, vendors engage in partnerships with consulting companies as well. Given this, how do the consulting companies see CTRM markets by comparison to the end users or broader market? In our recent Vendor Perception study, we separated out the consultants and integrators responses to see what their views and knowledge of the market looked like. The unprompted brand recognition of the consultants group of respondents looked very similar to the unprompted brand
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