Tradesparent and its START program

Recently, I was given at update on Tradesparent by Siavosh Arasteh from Tradesparent’s sales and marketing department. Tradesparent describes itself as “an integrated data analysis and reporting software solution for companies actively trading and processing commodities,” on its website. It focuses mainly on the ags and softs side of commodities where it has a dozen or so very large clients like Cargill, Bunge, Roquette and Baywa, for example. We began by talking about Tradesparent’s commodity data hub. The solution ingests, normalizes, and enriches data across the enterprise, I was told, and it is the core engine of what Tradesparent does. “Normalization prepares the data for reporting,” Siavosh told me. “The ability to collect business data upstream at scale, normalize and map it efficiently and in a manner that suits all downstream needs makes a real difference for our customers. They immediately get value on a whole range of risk reporting topics and develop data as an asset.” He went on to explain that for large commodity businesses with an ERP and CTRM landscape, there is a complex and diverse data landscape, often with gaps, and the Tradesparent commodity data hub can be used to harmonize and normalize this data allowing users to gain… continue reading

Continue reading Tradesparent and its START program. This article appeared first on CTRM Center.