The recently issued Disruptive Technologies report makes for some interesting reading however, it is also what it doesn’t say that might give pause for further thought. The report found that just around 25% of people responding to the survey thought that virtual or augmented reality would have some form of impact over the next 2-3 years and only 8% saw investment in that area over the same period and I for one, found this somewhat surprising. On the other hand, perhaps in truth, we asked the wrong question? In an era when big data and the use of AI and ML is exploding across the commodities space, what about the ability to visualize data? The man-machine interface? Our interactions with applications are primarily screen and text-based. Most CTRM solutions look pretty similar superficially if the truth be told in terms of how the user interacts with the software. However, with more and more data and the need to make faster decisions, what about some thinking into different types of UI’s? OK, so if AI and ML are going to do a lot of the heavy lifting in the future, much of the interpretation may be done by the machine itself… continue reading
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